
Don’t pay “snitch” tickets!

If you get a red light camera ticket in the mail, make sure it is a real ticket. So-called “snitch” tickets are being sent out. The notices look like real tickets and say the recipient must identify the violating driver, but in actuality the recipient is under no legal obligation to do so – and […]

City of Corona To End Red Light Camera Ticket Program

The City of Corona has decided to end its red light camera program. Last Tuesday, the Corona City Council voted 3-2 not to renew its contract with the red light camera vendor Redflex Traffic Systems. The contract is set to expire on November 5, 2012 but accordingly tickets processed before that date will still be considered valid. However, […]

Field Sobriety Test: Walk and Turn

I have written about some of the other field sobriety tests here and here. This post will cover the “walk and turn” field sobriety test (also known as the “walk the line” or “heel to toe” test). If you are battling DUI charges in LA Court, you may have had to perform this test. If you ever […]

Failed Field Sobriety Tests May Result in Getting DUI Charges In LA

There are several different field sobriety tests, one of which I blogged about here. The one leg stand is one of many field sobriety tests administered by LA cops after you’ve been stopped on suspicion for driving under the influence. The test is supposed to be administered objectively, according to the following standards (from the […]

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