
New Client Intake Form

Description: The following intake is required for all new clients. This form is intended to gather all necessary client information for our law office’s internal use only.

Instructions: Please fill out all the fields as best you can. If a field doesn’t apply to you, simply leave it blank or write “N/A.” The first section is for the CLIENT – the person who is in custody or facing the charges or potential charges. The RELATIVE contact information goes in the second section.


All information regarding the case is CONFIDENTIAL and can only be disclosed with the express written consent of the CLIENT.  The relative’s information will only be used for administrative matters and for purposes of contacting the client should we not be able to contact the client directly ourselves. Unless the client has provided express WRITTEN CONSENT, our office will NOT share confidential information with the relative listed.

Please note that certain fields are required and must be filled out before proceeding to the Relative’s Information section.


If you have questions about the intake including how to fill it out, how to download it or how to submit it, please email Mark’s legal assistant: jgonzalez@socaldefenselawyers.com

You can also call our offices at 800-797-8406 Monday-Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM. We’d be happy to help you!

Schedule your free consultation!

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